
Polly's Mobile Phone Safety

Mobile phones are sooo cool! Although mine's not the latest model like Kit's, it still has loads of features including access to the internet!

I love sending texts to the other Boffins, and can even send pictures! I love personalising my phone with different screensavers and ringtones but I know that I need to stay streetwise and be extra careful when using my phone as some features can still be pretty risky.

By staying SMART, I know that I need to be just as careful using my mobile as I would when using the internet on my computer or digital TV.

I always make sure that I only ever give my number to those I know and trust, NEVER to those I've met online. I especially wouldn't give anybody one of my friend's numbers without asking their permission first!

Chances are that if you are reading this, you too have a mobile phone. It's also unlikely that you've ever had any problems with texting, e-mailing or picture messaging (even Bluetooth or video messaging!), but how would you feel if all your classmates saw a really embarrassing picture of you taken by your mate or boyfriend? You see, as soon as it's sent, your mate or b/f has just completely lost control of what's just gone! In a worst case scenario, your pic could end up on the internet with little chance of removal. How embarrassing!

So remember, THINK before you press that 'send' button!

It is also important never to reply to a text from a number you don't recognise or someone you don't know. If you ever get any rude, nasty or annoying texts that make you uncomfortable, NEVER reply but make sure you SAVE the messages before TELLING a responsible adult such as a parent or a teacher. They may then report it to the police and the mobile phone provider who can even provide you with a new number.

Another thing to watch out for is text messages containing links for connecting to your phone's internet (or WAP). Opening these could get you into trouble by tricking you into spending lots of your phone's credit, or even by changing the settings on your phone without you knowledge. It is like having a computer hacker in your pocket! Just like using a computer, accessing sites via your phone can be expensive and dangerous!